Asynchronous packaged_task in C++ 11

Asynchronous packaged_task in C++ 11

Defination of packaged_task :

The class template packaged_task wraps any Callable target, which can be invoked later. The callable objects can be function, lambda expression, bind expression, or another function object.

Both std::packaged_task and std::async to used create asynchronous tasks. One of the main differences between the two is std::packaged_task waits for the asynchronous result to return, and std::async will not wait.

Note :
  • The std::packaged_task is introduced in C++ 11.
  • The std::packed_task can be invoked asynchronously.
  • Future objects are used to get return values and exceptions via the shared state.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>

using namespace std;
double work(int value)
cout<<"Execution started"<<endl;
cout<<"Function work1 executed"<<endl;
return value + 3.14;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
       packaged_task< double(int) > task(work);

       future<double> objFuture = task.get_future();


       thread t(move(task), 10);

       cout<<"Result : "<< objFuture.get()<<endl;

   catch(exception &e)

    return 0;